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Groundbreaking healthcare regulatory compliance tools created by attorneys and managed by experts for an unparalleled business foundation.
Healthcare industry professionals are burdened by increasing regulatory oversight and the constant pressure to do more with less. Providers of all kinds have to create and follow effective policies, while educating staff, self-auditing, staying on top of new regulations, all while delivering the best care possible!
Our comprehensive tools are compatible with what you may have already in place, identify and cover gaps (areas no one thought to assess) and square regulatory compliance input with any consultant input you may already be receiving. We built RiskShield Tools to be better than anything on the market so you can get the business you deserve with the compliance you need.
Healthcare providers work in the most highly regulated environment and if you’re using an off-the-shelf compliance plan you’re at serious risk. The smallest provider has the very same legal risk as the largest one. There is simply no way to stay on top of things in a cost effective way. RiskShield Tools was created by healthcare attorneys and industry professionals to help providers and businesses take control of compliance in an easy and cost-effective way.
Healthcare regulatory compliance is fragmented. Your HIPAA expert isn’t your medical records expert. Additionally, your experts are not usually lawyers, which means their compliance audit results are not confidential. RiskShield Tools is the only process in the marketplace that can solve both problems by providing a COMPREHENSIVE compliance assessment under the protections of attorney-client or accountant-client privilege.
The first self-guided survey of its kind to give you a peek into your current state of healthcare regulatory compliance. Our assessment tools are tied to benchmarks set by the Federal government. That helps you weave compliance into your business and incorporate proactive risk assessments without disrupting your business.
The most in depth onsite assessment on the market! Our trained team arrives onsite with an assessment tool customized for your industry. Federal compliance requirements and standards are woven in. We discreetly review things like patient files, HR files, policies and procedures and much more. You’ll get a comprehensive report showing where you’re on target, where you’re off and what specific things need to be done to be in complete healthcare regulatory compliance! All for a flat fee! And if the assessment is ordered and supervised by your lawyer or accountant, it will be designed to be immune from discovery.
Our workshops and webinars are designed to alleviate the burden of continued education and fulfill regulatory compliance requirements. We will in-service you and your staff to ensure that the right policies and procedures are implemented for a meaningful and cost/risk-reducing outcome.
“RiskShield made us stronger”
“Risk shield was very instrumental in strengthening our compliance for our Human Resources SOP’s and HIPAA regs.The team came out to our facility for our on-site visit. We walked through all steps involved with HR from inception of employee to their release. They touched on payroll, benefits and how changes happen year to year specifically as it relates to regulations.I would absolutely recommend Risk Shield. It has given me peace of mind and allows me to focus on operations and serving the employees we hire.”
Clinical Laboratory
“Their assessment gave me peace of mind”
I own a home health agency and am always concerned about complying with the healthcare laws that seem to change every day. I do my best to ensure compliance, but suspected there is simply no way to get it right all the time without help. That’s why I called on RiskShield. Their comprehensive healthcare regulatory assessment and report gave me the clarity, confidence and peace of mind I was looking for!
“We avoided huge regulatory risk”
“I’m the Administrator of a successful surgical practice. Keeping up with all the regulations that apply to us is almost a full time job. One of the areas we knew we needed to improve on was our human resources practices. And for that reason, we called on RiskShield to come on site and do a two hour workshop on the issues. We were so impressed that we had them audit and prepare a template file we could use that ensure compliance with all the HR laws. Having an presentation, process and documents really gave us comfort. That was money well spent and potentially huge risk avoided! They were great.”
Practice Administrator
“More comprehensive than our other consultants combined”
“We’re a large, multi-location orthopedic practice and wanted to be certain our healthcare regulatory exposure was handled. We had a great coder ensuring compliance on that end. We had other bits and pieces of compliance in place, but we were unsure how experienced healthcare lawyers would view our practice’s regulatory compliance. And we wanted to make sure the process was conducted under attorney client privilege. That’s why we called on RiskShield to work alongside our attorney. We were surprised at the scope of the assessment conducted by RiskShield and their plans to plug the “holes” we didn’t know were there. We got far more than we hoped for!”
Controller/Legal Liaison